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Des entraineurs qui rient au bord du lac au camp de vacances RepAcadémie

The next step!

You are passionate about gymnastics, cheerleading, dance or parkour. You want to continue your athletic career by learning to coach. If you are between 16 and 18 years old, this is the program for you. We have created RepAcademy to train aspiring athletes to become the coaches of tomorrow at Les CampsRep ! 


RepAcademy is a two year program. You will have to complete two consecutive weeks during the summer. The first week, you will come to the RepAcademy camp for the 1 week intensive training on the first modules of the passport! The following week, you will have the chance to assist the team as a coach in training. During these two weeks, you will receive training specifically developed to become a coach at Les CampsRep. This program combines sport, fun and a focus on learning acrobatic coaching skills and all the tasks we find at Les CampsRep. In addition to receiving this advanced training, you will be provided with room and board throughout your stay.


At the end of your training, you will have to complete the exams in order to obtain your RepAcademy diploma attesting to the various training sessions you will have taken at Les CampsRep.


One day you may be part of the Les CampsRep coaching team!

Our RepAcademy



The academicians are paired with a coach who has several years of experience at the camp and can answer any questions they may have. The coach is responsible for ensuring that the academics' goals are met so that they can fulfill the objectives of their RepAcademy passport.


In the RepAcademy program, we offer clinics and training throughout the two weeks. These trainings are given by our specialist coaches.  

The repertoire of training sessions is very varied and we cover important topics, whether it be technical, theoretical, practical or related to training and all tasks related to Les CampsRep.

Formation des futurs entraineurs à RepAcadémie



Plus taxes

for 2 weeks instruction

Weeks 1 & 2

Arrival June 30
Departure July 13

14 days

13 nights

Please call us for more information

Weeks 3 & 4

Arrival July 14
Departure July 27

14 days

13 nights

Please call us for more information

Weeks 5 & 6

Arrival July 28
Departure August 10

14 days

13 nights

Please call us for more information

Weeks 6 & 7

Arrival August 4
Departure August 17

14 days

13 nights

Please call us for more information

Présentation des entraineurs - Coachs CampsRep
Passeport du camp RepAcadémie
  • Manual assistance

  • Biomechanics 

  • Physical preparation

  • Development of different movements

  • Animation

  • Educational creation

  • The Repstaurant

  • The Forbidden Zone

  • Sentinels

  • Administration

  • The Flying Trapeze

  • The Security

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